Homework on Direct Action

All answers must be in your own words.

1. What is "direct action" as Busby uses the term? What is "monkeywrenching," as Foreman uses the term? Are they different? If so, how? If not, why not? (2pts)

2. Busby talks in several places about the decision to act outside "traditional democratic channels."
a) How are "direct action" and "monkeywrenching" actions outside traditional democratic channels? (2pts)

b) In explaining why it is sometimes permissible to act outside traditional democratic channels, Busby says that "democracy had died." He uses this phrase in one paragraph, but actually talks about this idea in a number of places (using different words). In what way has democracy died, according to Busby? (2pts)

c) Do you think that Foreman would agree that democracy has died? Cite evidence from what he says to support your view? (2pts)

3. What is the most extreme sort of monkeywrenching or direct action that you believe can be morally permissible? Why is it permissible? Why would something more extreme be wrong? (2pts)