Paper Assignment One
Philosophy 233
First paper assignment
General structure of the paper
The papers will be about 3 pages, single spaced. The basic idea is that you will state a thesis (selected from one of the following topics) and argue for it. You will also have to state a serious objection to your thesis that someone who disagreed with you would raise, and respond to that objection. The precise grading standards are posted separately.
Pick one topic from the following, and use that to give a thesis. Most of these will require you to add your own ideas in order to generate a thesis. Other than filling in blanks, or putting conditions in where specified, you may not change the wording of any of these topics without my approval.
* If [state conditions here], then parents are morally obligated to give cochlear implants to their deaf children. If [those conditions are not met], then they are not obligated.
[If you have more extreme views, you can choose to argue "If a parent gives cochlear implants to their children, it is morally wrong" or "If a parent does not give cochlear implants to their deaf child, it is morally permissible."]
* If [state conditions here], then it is morally permissible for parents to choose a deaf fetus over a hearing one. If those conditions are not met, then it is wrong.
[You may also argue that it is always morally wrong, or always morally permissible, for parents to choose a deaf fetus over a hearing one]
* If [state conditions here], then it is morally permissible for a doctor to administer gender reassignment therapy to a minor. If those conditions are not met, it is wrong. (If you want your conditions to include morally relevant consent, you should say when an adolescent counts as giving MRC to this sort of therapy)
[You may also argue that it is always permissible, or always wrong]
* If [state conditions here], then it is permissible to administer medical treatment to a minor without their superficial consent; if [those conditions are not met], it is wrong.
* If [state conditions here], then it is permissible for a doctor to deceive their patient about possible effects of a treatment. If [those conditions are not met] it is not permissible.
[You can also argue that deception is always wrong]
* If you want to write on something else, I'm happy for you to do so. However, any thesis not on this list must be approved by me (Brian) in writing. Please email me any proposals.
All of the following must be emailed to Katie.
Outline due: Sep 28, 8pm. Email your thesis and a brief description of your argument. Put this in the body of your email - no attachments. Use the following subject line: 233 OUTLINE PAPER 1.
Draft due: Oct 12, 8pm, email it to your partner (as an attachment) and cc Katie, subject line 233 DRAFT PAPER 1
Comments due: Oct 14, 8pm, email to your partner and cc Katie, subject line 233 COMMENTS PAPER 1
Paper Due: Oct 20, 8pm; subject line 233 PAPER 1 FINAL.